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Business Consulting

Consulting services have a wide range of options. The team at Living Right with Bill Cortright can work with you and your business in the following areas.


  • Wellness and Stress Management: Bill is one the world’s foremost stress experts. With over three decades of research Bill and the team will create a program that is scientifically sound and a perfect fit for your company no matter the size. Results are decreased insurance expenditures, decreased sick days and an increased bottom-line.


  • Increasing Focus and Productivity: There are reasons that we procrastinate and self-sabotage our personal growth. In Bill’s bestselling book “The Ten-Minute Life Plan to End Procrastination and Self-Sabotage”, he revealed the science of success. While researching over 4000 patients Bill could see parameters that turned on the so-called willpower switch. When we are operating in a certain part of the nervous system we are focused, creative, and display willpower. Bill created a system called Green Focus Management that uses the science behind what he discovered. The GFM System allows someone to get more done in less time and without stress. The system can be taught to individuals or entire organizations. Results are an increase in productivity and a decrease in stress.


  • Increasing Sales and Market Reach: Sales and a sales force is as good as they believe they are. Many sales people can be type-A personalities that can cause them to be in high stress mode 24-7. Bill and his team teaches a very different sales course that is based on decreasing the stress response and increasing the focus of the individual. Bill teaches 10 Success Principles along with Stress Mastery that teaches habits of increased focus and stress management. Results are increased sales, positive work environment, decreased stress.  


  • Developing Extended Services: The internet is the wild west of business. Learning how to utilize this tool can extend a company’s services. You can create on-line businesses, on-line communities, on-line products and services that can expand any type of business. If you are a trainer, coach, doctor, or entrepreneur, you can create extended services and even residual income products and amenities. Living Right with Bill Cortright team can do a business audit and help you grow many new streams of income. Results are more money and freedom. 

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