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Stress Mastery Wellness Coaching

The Stress Mastery Wellness Program

The Stress Mastery Wellness Program is a scientifically based program that is geared toward managing the stress hormones that shut down metabolism. Bill has over three decades in metabolism testing and the truth he has learned is that there is no such thing as a slow metabolism. Metabolism is energy and the metabolism is either working or it is not. A working metabolism burns fat for energy. Fat is our survival fuel so if you have an imbalance in the body the body will shut down all fat burning per its survival signals.


Our body is built for one thing and one thing only, survival. Our survival fuel is fat so the body will not turn on its metabolism to burn fat unless there is proper communication. Communication comes in the way of hormones. The Stress Response is our most primitive, powerful, hormonal response we have. This response is never shut off and can only be managed. If the stress response is imbalanced it will cut the communication circuits of the fat burning hormones. It is the inability of these hormones to communicate that causes all disease and weight gain in the body.


The only way to manage the stress response is thru proper diet and exercise that is geared for your individual physiology. The myth in the medical world is that we must lose weight to get healthy. Unfortunately, this is the reason so many diets fail. We must get healthy to lose weight. Our body’s survival response cannot be overwritten by forced diet and exercise.


The Stress Mastery Wellness Program works with your imbalance and corrects the communication of the fat burning hormones thus turning on the fat burning metabolism and managing stress at the same time. Once communication is restored and the metabolism is working you are then put on your individual plan that works with your physiology. The Stress Mastery Wellness Program is geared for a lifetime of results.


Stress Mastery Eating Plan


The Stress Mastery Eating Plan is designed for the strict purpose to manage stress and the stress response. It is this management that allows you to create optimal health and balance while creating the body of your dreams. If your body is balanced and the metabolism is working then you will start on this plan. The Stress Mastery Eating Plan will be constructed by how your body handles stress. The right foods, the proper food combinations, at the right times of day all designed to manage the stress response hormones of cortisol and insulin. It is these two hormones of stress that shut down the metabolism according to their balance. If the stress response is imbalanced you will start with one of the re-set programs.


Re-Setting the Metabolism and Managing Stress


To lose weight we must become healthy and balanced so the hormones that burn fat and manage stress are balanced and maintaining proper communication. We call these Stress Responders and each has a program that will reconnect the fat burning circuit.


Stress Responder Type-One: The Cage Rattler


The Cage Rattler is the most popular stress responder and the imbalance is coming from the stress response. This group includes individuals with thyroid disease, diabetes, any type of autoimmune disease, or adrenal issues. The Cage Rattler stores fat all over their body and is usually with a flabby stomach.


Stress Responder Type-Two: The Stress Belly


The Stress Belly holds most of their weight in the belly region. They will usually have thin legs and arms with a protruding belly that can be hard. Anyone with liver disease, fatty liver, will fall in this category. I have found that even the slightest liver malfunction will inhibit some very important fat burning hormones causing the body to stress out.



Stress Responder Type-Three: Hormone Trap


Both men and woman can fall into this category. Men will have low testosterone which inhibits their body from recuperating from the day which will lower Growth Hormone. This will create a chain of events that cause the shutdown of the metabolism. In woman after menopause the Hormone Trap can be due to estrogen dominance because of low progesterone and this will shut down the metabolism. Also, woman that suffer from PCOS or fibroids or have an irregular menstrual cycle will many times fall into this category.


Stress Mastery Exercise Plan


The Stress Mastery Wellness Program is designed for the management of stress by producing a balance of the stress response hormones and stimulating the communication of the fat burning hormones. The Stress Mastery Exercise Plan is the cutting edge in creating a routine that adds wellness hormones to the mix. The exercise plan is designed to release specific hormones that increase our biological clock and can reverse diabetes and insulin resistance.



SM Health Coach


Our Health Coach will be responsible for developing a wellness coaching relationship with clients and assisting the client through the process of actively working towards better health by providing support, encouragement, and education on the Stress Mastery Program that was designed for them.


SM Health coaches are constantly researching and developing the most up to date science for stress mastery. Each coach is crafted and mentored by Bill Cortright and is guided by his 30 plus years of hands on experience and research in the field.

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