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Bruce Van Horn


Bruce is an international bestselling author, speaker, creative thought leader, and a highly respected executive and leadership coach.Bruce is passionate about sharing his life experiences and respected insight to help people...

Bruce is an international bestselling author, speaker, creative thought leader, and a highly respected executive and leadership coach.Bruce is passionate about sharing his life experiences and respected insight to help people overcome their negative thinking and limiting beliefs, and develop a winning mindset. Bruce loves coaching people to become the fullest expression of who they were created to be.

Bruce is a worldwide influencer. People around the world respect Bruce for his insight and wisdom, and his ability to communicate love and passion in everything he does. Bruce is followed by over 500K people on Twitter. He is consistently one of the most ReTweeted people on Twitter and is followed by many Fortune 100 companies, major brands, professional athletes, and pop music icons---view a partial list here. His "Life Is A Marathon" podcast is consistently in the Top 5% of all podcasts on iTunes and is heard in over 209 countries! His book, Worry No More!, hit the Bestsellers list in ALL of Amazon's international markets, and has helped countless people overcome worry and create joy in their lives.

Bruce has rise above many seemingly insurmountable obstacles in his life including cancer, bankruptcies, divorce, and the death of his daughter. He unquestionably knows that having had these experiences has made him stronger, wiser, more loving and compassionate, and better quipped to be the man, spiritual teacher, speaker, author, coach and consultant he has been called to be.

The Speaker:

Bruce has been a professional speaker, trainer, and motivator for over 20 years with diverse experience in Fortune 100 companies and small businesses alike. Bruce brings passion, insight, and expertise to every group he addresses. 

Bruce understands pain, loss, and hardship. His personal story of how he has not just survived, but conquered his obstacles and fears---including Stage 4 cancer---is a story you must hear. Many have been moved and inspired!

Whether he's speaking in an intimate setting to 5 people, in an auditorium filled with hundreds, or speaking to hundreds of thousands through his hugely popular "Life Is A Marathon" podcast, Bruce's sincere desire is to teach and empower you to become the fullest expression of who you were created to be. His focus is not so much on his own message, but on adding value and solving whatever problems his audience is experiencing. 

A few examples of his Keynotes and Workshops are:


  • 4 Steps to Stop Worrying and Start Living

  • An Invitation to the Party: Why Vision and Intention Matter

  • ReStory YOU! - How to change your life by changing your story

  • The Science of Getting Rich

  • E + R = O - Outcomes are determined by how you respond to events

  • Personal and Corporate Branding

  • Social Media Mastery for Creating Community

  • Using Social Media to Attract and Engage Raving Fans

The Author:

Bruce is the author of two bestselling books, You CAN Go the Distance! and Worry No More! 4 Steps to Stop Worrying and Start Living! He also wrote the forward to the popular book Create the Life You Want with The Science of Getting Rich. His book Worry No More! hit the bestsellers list in all of Amazon's international markets, and is a "must read" for stress management and all who suffer from worry.


The Entrepreneur

Bruce has worked for small, privately owned business and for Fortune 100 companies. He has also started several of his own businesses, including an e-commerce software company that has been in business for 15 years! He understands all levels of corporate management, marketing, sales, and staff development. His vast experiences and insight allows him to make powerful impacts on the businesses that hire him as a consultant or executive coach

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