First Day of Freedom
Hello and welcome back to my Living Right with Bill Cortright Blog with Bill. Well if you are following the blog you know that we did it. We did what should have been impossible in building an entire business, site, podcast in less than a week. I must share that there was one snag in the plan. We are clueless about podcasting. It has been a comedy act to get this all going. Poor David is becoming an expert by fire. We recorded the first episode in my wife’s closet as there wasn’t anywhere we could find where there was not an echo. The content and sound came out great considering these two clowns were doing it without any direction. If you listen close in the pilot episode you will hear my pen drop and the ping of the computers notification alarm (I tell him every day to put on the do not disturb, kids). So, we uploaded the show and went to bed.
The next day we woke up with the excitement of two 6-year-olds at Christmas. Guess what? No podcast. There was a list of 100 things we missed. Who knew ITunes would be so picky (I know but common sense was not allowed over the last week) on getting approval and setting the domain, blah, blah, blah. BUT, we did it, built the whole damn company working in a Flow, well I was in flow, David was in more of a state of shock lol. I hope you guys like what we created and again be kind as neither David or I are really that smart.
SO, I guess I should get to the blog and stop shooting the shit. Today I followed my same routine I have followed for some three decades. I woke up at 2:45am, hit the shower, downed my supplements and off to train chest at the gym. I finished my workout, cardio, came home showered again and the meditated for an hour. All the sudden I realized I don’t have to go to an office. I don’t have to check on anybody. I don’t have to follow up on things that needed to be done. I didn’t have to worry about traffic, weather, the moods of co-workers, patients, vendors, consultants, and more consultants. HOLY CRAP I WAS FREE!!!!
I sat in this peaceful post meditative state and had the realization that I could focus on me. My work. My clients. My friends. My family. My God. I will cherish this day forever as I really for the first time feel freedom. I have always been tethered to a partner, clinic, and lots of employees. As I write this I feel blessed that I got to feel freedom before I left this lifetime. Thank you.
March 6, 2017