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The 7 Steps to Stress Mastery

Stress Mastery is Peace. You know you have attained stress mastery when the outside circumstances of your life no longer affect your inner being. This means that it really doesn’t matter what happens in the world you are in a state of surrender and acceptance. This does not mean that you are happy when bad things happen. It means you are peace and have stopped labeling what is good or bad. There are Seven Steps to Stress Mastery, each step is moving you toward your higher existence.

Seven Steps to Stress Mastery

1. Diet: You must manage the stress response so you can live in the connection nervous system of the Green Zone.

2. Exercise: You must exercise according to the way your body is wired to handle stress. Exercise is the key in keeping the Ten Biomarkers of Health functioning in optimal range.

3. Naming the Ego: Every action that we take or don’t take comes from the operating system (OS) of our subconscious mind. These OS programs determines our Predominant Energy that we live in. Its these programs of beliefs, WANTs, values, habits, culture, society, gender, family, work, money, health, relationships, God, that makes up our Self-Concept (EGO). It is essential to separate ourselves from our concept (EGO) and connect with our real (Higher) self.

4. Letting Go: Once we start building the self-awareness that WE are not all these Programs we need to begin resetting the OS and take control of our destiny. Every Program when activated causes us to have emotions and feelings. These feelings flood our conscious mind with hundreds sometimes thousands of thoughts and its these thoughts that sweep us into some form of reaction. Letting Go is all about releasing the Programs that do not serve our higher Purpose. The challenge is that we cannot let a program go unless it is activated. Programs are created two ways, one they were programmed through the Tribalization Process the first seven-years of life or second, they are created from an emotional event where the event was not processed.

Emotions are energy that has not been expressed and if they remain in the OS you are destined to be controlled by them. So, if you think of those sparklers we at the 4th of July. The program gets activated as the match lights, then the sparks fly off the lit area, these are the thoughts, the let go technique is in place so YOU can see the thoughts (Instead of reacting), and you go to the program and blow out the fire. No fire no sparks no emotion no reaction. As you master this step you eventually remove the program. No program no more emotions no more reaction…forever!

5. Green Focus Power Hour (GFPH): As you progress toward Stress Mastery, you start transition from the science of stress management toward the spiritual side. The reason for this is the rise of the Predominant Energy you live in. Each time a Program is released it affects every aspect of your life. The EGO weakens and you SEE clearly as you move through your life. You are less reactive, less worried, and now are feeling a sense that you are really changing. The GFPH is a series of six exercises that you do in the morning. The purpose is to reset the OS toward in-putting new programs of what YOU want in your life. Step Four you are letting go in Step Five you are re-programming. Once you master this step you will find that success, money, health, relationships and connection to your higher power, begins to manifest itself without force.

6. Meditation: There are countless books written on meditation but the real purpose of meditation is to strengthen your Concentration muscle. We are familiar with the importance of exercising the body but few ever consider the importance of exercising the mind. Meditation is the exercise that separates you from the EGO, or programs. When this step is mastered you will see the EGO when he or she acts up, separate from the emotion or program activated, easily let it go and live in a very focused Energy. In this step, you begin the three-step spiritual practice. It is all about concentration the stronger the concentration muscle the faster we get to Stress Mastery.

7. Finding the NOW: Step Seven is Stress Mastery. You are now living in the moment and the outside world no longer affects your inner states. If a program gets activated in this step it is easily released. In fact, you will begin even releasing programs while you sleep. IMPORTANT, Stress Mastery is Peace and once you master this step there is NO effort. You cannot force Stress Mastery. When events take place you are naturally detached from the outcome and not affected within, its quiet, you are present. This does not mean you are not strong, that you don’t act, quite the opposite your predominant Energy is Surrender, it means you act without worry, fear, anxiety, attachment, and EGO. It’s YOU are taking the action from a higher place and not old programs.



March 8, 2017

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