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Shift Coaching: Changing Our Consciousness

Hello and welcome back to my Living Right with Bill Cortright Blog. Today I want to talk about the Coaching techniques I have created over the last 20-years. I call my coaching “Shift Coaching”, the purpose behind it is to help an individual make permanent changes by shifting the predominate energy level they live in. So, allow me to explain this in more detail.

The individual state of one’s consciousness determines the conditions and the circumstances of their life. This state of consciousness is determined by the sum of the energy of the programs within our subconscious mind. Many of these programs are created during the first 7-9-years of our lives as our brain is wired in a recording mode. The reason we are wired this way is so we can fit quickly into the beliefs, values, habits, culture, of our tribe. This is a survival response that all humans have. It is how we survived the ‘Jurassic Park’ period of our existence.

The dominant energy of the programs determines our state of consciousness. This is important to grasp as your current life, job, finances, health, relationships and growth are dictated by the dominant energy of the programs within your mind. It is estimated that 80% of the population live in survival energies. These energies will dictate the world you live in. We can easily take a good look at the state of television, news and the world and see all these level one energies in play. Below are the survival level one energies and the emotions that corresponds with each.

Level One Unconsciousness Energy

175-Pride- Aloof, Boastful, Vain, Unforgiving, Self-Satisfied, Prejudiced, Smug, Opinionated, Clever, Closed, Bigoted, Bored, Critical, Righteous, Never Wrong

150-Anger- Aggressive, Annoyed, Outraged, Stern, Resistant, Resentment, Rude, Pushy, Harsh, Defiant, Irritated, Impatience, Jealous, Mad, Mean, Belligerent

125-Desire- Anticipation, Reckless, Possessive, Obsessed, Can’t Wait, Driven, Frustrated, Manipulative, Demanding, Greedy, I Want, Selfish, Must Have It,

100-Fear- Anxious, Shy, Nervous, Embarrassed, Cowardice, Doubt, Worry, Trapped, Irrational, Panic, Terrified, Tense, Timid, Skeptical, Paralyzed, Hesitant, Avoidance,

75-Grief-Blue, Abandoned, Abused, Cheated, Disappointed, Unloved, Sadness, Pity, Regret, Helpless, Inadequate, Torn, Unwanted, Rejected, Misunderstood, Sorrow,

50-Apathy, I Can’t, Bored, Lazy, Stuck, Too Tired, Unfocused, I Don’t Care, Drained, Lost, Indecisive, Doomed, Listless, Despair, Giving Up, Discouraged, Too Tired

30-Guilt, Can’t Win, Cut-Off, Worthless, Loser, Failure, Hopeless, Useless, I Don’t Care, Defeated, Negative, Inattentive, Demoralized, Powerless, Regret, Manipulative

Below 30-Shame, Unworthiness, Dirty, Broken, Unwanted, No Way Out, Empty, Embarrassed, Humiliated, Suicidal,

The reason it so hard to make changes in our lives is the fact that the programs within the subconscious drives every action we take and is the cause of what we attract in our lives. The subconscious doesn’t know a good from a bad program it just reacts. If your predominant consciousness is Anger. This means that the predominate energy (the total sum of your programs) dictates the actions you will take. You will become angry the moment things don’t go your way. The other side of this coin is that you will also attract angry people and situations into your life. You can try to be a positive person but if you do not re-program the operating system of the subconscious you will just fall back into old habit of anger.

We all find it difficult to detach ourselves from the habitual; Most of us do not even know what we mean by state of consciousness because we are unconscious of the fact that our lives are driven by these programs. To those who are hearing this for the first time, the state of consciousness is made up of the sum total of all that we believe and accept and consent to as true. These programs need not be true; it may be, but it need not be true, it could be false, it could be a half truth, it could be a lie, it could be a superstition, it could be a prejudice, but the sum total of all that a person believes constitutes their state of consciousness. It is the house in which we abide, and if we remain in that house similar problems will confront us, the circumstances of life will remain the same. We may move physically across the ends of the earth but we will encounter similar conditions; we can't get away from the house in which we live in because the house is inside our head.

Once you begin to understand this phenomenon you can start to take steps to create real change in your life. If the state of consciousness (programs) you are currently living in is not the life you desire to live then you need to re-set the OS of the mind by resetting the programs in the cage. This starts with awareness. Take some time today and slow down and observe the voice inside your head. What is it saying when you meet someone new? When you walk into work? When you sit down to a meal? When you are with your family? When you set goals? When you are sitting in traffic? Just be the observer. Really be honest with yourself, take notes if you must, but if you really do this the voice will be clear and you can match the dialogue to the Energies posted above and a predominant energy will surface and that is your state of consciousness.

Breaking Free

If it is true that the individual's state of consciousness is the sole cause of the phenomena of his life, then the normal, natural question that is asked "Why don’t we change it to a more desirable state?" Well, that is not as easy as it appears as most of you who have ever tried to change a habit knows all too well. Below are the states of consciousness that come when we work on mastering our self. This means stepping outside the subconscious cage and weathering the Snap Back Effect that pulls us back to the old habitual programs and consciousness level and doing the work that is needed. Eventually the work will become effortless as the lower programs are replaced with higher ones.

Level Two Consciousness Self-Mastery

400-Reason- Embracing, Wonder, Secure, Radiant, Enhanced, Gentle, Enriched, Loving, Intuitive

350-Acceptance-Surrenderd, Beautiful, Well-Being, Playful, Harmonious, Understanding, Warm

310-Willingness-Optimistic, Abundance, everything is OK, Friendly, Gracious, Joyful, Cheerful, Promising, Favorable,

250-Neutrality- Flexible, Assured, Explorative, Integrity, Open, Motivated, Receptive, Spontaneous, Willing

200-Courage- Alert, Aware, Confident, Focused, I Can, Initiative, Purposeful, Strong, Happy, Positive.

I will write about these energies and techniques to create a shift in future blogs. The Shift Coaching is based on “The Seven Steps to Stress Mastery”. These steps are designed to take you outside the cage and release old lower consciousness programs while programming in higher consciousness programs. When this happens you then create the connection of will-power. Will-power happens when what you want to do, actions you want to take, success that you want to create matches the programs and consciousness level in the subconscious cage. For example, it takes no or very little discipline for me to exercise since I have exercise as a program within the cage. I can simply say today is Monday and I am getting up at 245am to train my chest. The subconscious has the program within and when the alarm sounds I automatically get up and go. The subconscious program determines my actions and when these match to what you want in life everything manifests from higher energies of the level two consciousness.

The Seven Steps to Stress Mastery and how they work to create a shift to a higher consciousness level.

Step One: Diet. To create change we must be able to step outside the cage and take new actions. This can only be done from the Green Zone. You enter the Green Zone from managing the stress response…this starts with the right diet for the way your body handles stress.

Step Two: Exercise. As with step one Diet, exercise is essential in managing the stress response. The key here is having the right type of exercise that matches how your body handles stress. The wrong exercise can actually set you back.

Step Three: Naming the Ego. It is in step three where we start the separation from the voice in our heads. This is the step of awareness of what predominate conscious level are you living in. It is here where we start understanding the law of focus.

Step Four: Letting Go. As you become observant of the programs that are driving your actions it is then time to release them. Once you reveal the state of consciousness that you are currently living you become aware when the program gets activated because of the thoughts you are having. In this step, you learn a technique to release these old programs.

Step Five: Green Focus Power Hour. In this step, I teach the re-programming of the subconscious mind. In step four you are releasing lower consciousness programs which makes room for you to start programming in the life you really want to live. It is here where you create the will-power connection.

Step Six: Meditation. As you rise to this step your consciousness level is now rising to toward 310-Willingness level. To take the next step toward stress mastery meditation becomes important. The purpose of meditation in Shift Coaching is to strengthen the muscle of concentration. It is this ability that raises the consciousness to the next level.

Step Seven: Finding the Now. When you master this step your state of consciousness is in 350-Acceptance and 400-Reason. Look over those energies and you can see how an individual living this energy as their predominant consciousness lives in a state of peace. The outside circumstances of their life no longer disturb their inner being.

I understand I covered a lot of information today. This blog was also a little longer so I should just stop writing now. If you would like to learn more about Shift Coaching visit my site and request a conversation with me. Also tune into The Stress Mastery Podcast as I discuss daily ways for you to enter the higher consciousness. I will be expanding the information in the near future.

Who is Bill Cortright? Bill is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, high-level coach, wellness specialist and a foremost expert in the field of stress and stress management. Bill’s purpose is to motivate, educate and inspire people to live their most authentic life. Host “The Stress Mastery Podcast”.



March 15, 2017

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