Stop Trying to Lose Weight!
Hello and welcome to Living Right with Bill Cortright blog with Bill Cortright. Today’s blog is about the understanding of how to get what you want out of life. We have heard that to get what you want out of life you must fight for it. You must drive hard. You must put your nose to the grindstone (ouch). Life is hard. No pain no gain. So, I ask you this, how has that worked out for you so far? Do you have the life of your dreams? Do you get up each day and can’t wait to get to work? Do you have the money you want? The health and body you have strived so hard on so many occasions to get only to just to fall back where you started? Do you have that relationship where you walk off hand in hand into the sunset forever in love? Do you have peace? Yet, I bet you have busted your butt trying, right?
I ask if I could offer an alternative to the way you are currently pursing your goals would you be interested? Or are you going to keep fighting until one day you get to retire and then finally take that vacation but you just are not quite healthy enough to enjoy. The money is tight, fighting with the other half. Wondering how did I get here I worked so damn hard? When it comes to weight loss millions and millions of people fail each year. Why? The answer is they are trying to lose weight. If you are still reading and tired of trying to lose weight, or tired of trying to be a success, or make more money, or find love, this blog is for you. Let’s go…
The Law of Mind
The law of mind is no respecter of persons it operates as it operates whether you agree with it or not. We have three parts to this mind. The conscious mind that analyzes. The subconscious mind that is the operating system of our life. The superconscious mind that brings the manifestations according to what is held in mind (subconscious). The three laws of mind are as follows.
LAW #1: What you think you create.
LAW #2: What you feel you attract.
LAW #3: What you imagine you become.
These laws are in constant function and that function comes from the subconscious mind. The subconscious drives our actions according to the law of mind. The subconscious holds your beliefs, values, habits, and runs our body all the while making up our self-concept. For example, if you have a belief in the subconscious that losing weight is hard you will receive thoughts from this belief (program). Law #1 is what you think you create thus you will struggle on any weight loss program you try. The losing weight is hard program, puts you in a state of consciousness of Apathy. Thoughts associated with this state are, I can’t, stuck, bored, too tired, discouraged, just give up. These feelings kick in Law #2 what you feel you attract. You begin attracting into your life situations all that makes the diet impossible to follow. Something stressful happens and you must have something sweet (No worries I will start back on the diet tomorrow). You have your in-laws come for a surprise visit, your best friend is in town, you are feeling blue, and there goes the diet. After some time, you just are too tired to follow this plan and you quit. Then Law #3 what you imagine you become kicks in. You failed another diet, you feel guilty, your self-concept is a loser, feelings of shame, disgrace, embarrassment, I am so fat. This is the picture you carry and the law of mind stays true, losing weight is hard! The program is safe in the subconscious cage.
Using the Law of Mind to lose 123 pounds and become a bodybuilding champion.
I had lost 100 pounds twice before this next attempt I was about to embark on. I am 20-years-old and was just told by the doctor that I would be blind by the time I reached 35-years. The reason for such a statement was I was 278 pounds and was diagnosed with diabetes. The doctors statement rang true for me as I could see those exact things manifesting in my family. I thought holy shit I don’t want that life. In that moment, I prayed for an answer as I had been dieting since age nine and I would always lose weight and then gain back more.
My prayer was answered a few days later when a book appeared in my life, “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale. I say appeared because to this day I have no idea where that book came from or who owned it. As I started yet another diet I had two very different aspects working with me that I had never used in the past. One, I had a distinct purpose, I did not want to go blind or be diabetic. This is a much different focus then “I want to lose weight.” Second, I was following Dr. Peale’s system of positive thinking. This connected me to Law #1: What you think you create.
I was using affirmations and visualization combined with diet and walking. I was losing the weight without hunger or forced effort. I was feeling dynamic, positive, confident. During past diets I was angry, resentful, felt deprived and felt miserable. Because I was thinking positive I kicked-in Law #2: What you feel you attract. I was attracted to other works of the mind like, Joseph Murphy’s “The Power of The Subconscious Mind.” This was back in the early eighties so there was very limited access to materials on this new thought of positive thinking, yet I these books kept coming into my life as I read, Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles, Charles Hannel, W. Clement Stone and these would lead to Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, and others.
When I lost the weight, I was taken off the medication the doctor had put me on. But, here I was once again, down over 100 pounds and now what? It was this time that I saw my first bodybuilder. I was in college and when I saw this guy I was stunned, shocked, maybe a little grossed out. I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to do that to their body. But, I was intrigued for the fact that I had lost all this weight yet I still couldn’t take off my shirt at the beach as I was freaking flabby. In that moment of thought I realized “I was gross” and I wanted to understand how he had built those muscles?
My new friend taught me all about training and eating to build muscle. But, the most important thing he did for me was to give me a book by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold made my friend look like a skinny kid. It wasn’t Arnolds training or diet that attracted me, it was the way he used his mind. By this time, I was a student of how the mind worked and Arnold was a master of the Law of Mind. I followed his technique of visualization and practiced it day and night. This practice would bring into play Law #3: What you imagine you become. My body responded exactly to the picture I held and I developed a champion physique.
I respect the Law of Mind in everything I do. At 55-years-old I still maintain the weight loss I had achieved 35-years later. I also maintain the six-pack abdominals that I built 30-years earlier. All of this with so-called bad family genetics of disease and obesity. Our habits over rule our genetics. When you follow, and respect the Law of Mind you program what you want and you create your habits that serve what you want out of life.
In Part Two of this blog I will discuss how to invoke the Success Principle of Stop Trying in order that you make the connect with the Law of Mind.
I hope you are enjoying my blog and if you did please share it. I am out to create a movement to teach people how to create a shift in consciousness in order they can manifest the life they wish for. We are here to thrive and find peace. I wish you all the best.
The secret to losing weight is to stop trying to lose weight.
You can contact me if you have any comments or questions at my email Join me every Monday thru Friday on The Stress Mastery Podcast.
Who is Bill Cortright? Bill is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, high-level coach, wellness specialist and a foremost expert in the field of stress and stress management. Bill’s purpose is to motivate, educate and inspire people to live their most authentic life. Host “The Stress Mastery Podcast”.