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3-Step Process to Manifest the Body You Want

The Secret to Losing Weight: Part Two

Hello and welcome to Living Right with Bill Cortright Blog, I am Bill Cortright and today we are going to discuss the second part to The Secret of Losing Weight. In the last blog, I discussed the Law of Mind; 1. What you think you create. 2. What you feel you attract. 3. What you imagine you become. This is law is perfect in every way and operates whether you are aware of it or not.

Understanding the Law of Mind is what propelled me from obesity to bodybuilding champion. It was in reading Joseph Murphy’s book “The Power of the Subconscious” that finally took me off the weight loss roller coaster. When I realized that it was ME sabotaging my results not the doughnuts the nurses brought in to work. It was ME. It wasn’t stress, the kids, my spouse, my boss, my friend, my mother-in-law, it was ME. It wasn’t a slow metabolism, bad genetics, McDonalds golden arches, or my love for pizza, it was ME. Once, I understood the law I was off and running, well walking, but I was off the weight loss roller coaster forever.

The nice side-effect of this process was that it would become the same process to success in every single area of my life. The three steps I am going to share with you can be, or I should say, must be, applied to all The Five Life Categories, Career, Finance, Health, Relationships, Personal/Spiritual Development. The 3-step process is a process that taps into the Law of Mind and allows us to manifest what we want.

Manifesting a New Body

The body you have today, the one reflecting from your mirror, is the body that you have programmed in your subconscious mind Cage. You may not like the way the body looks, or feels, or performs, but it’s YOUR programming that has created it. It’s your programming that moves you to eat those chocolate chip cookies when you know you are carrying an extra 20-30 pounds. It is YOUR programming that makes you hit the snooze button instead of getting out of bed to exercise. So, PLEASE STOP BLAMING everyone and everything else, including your mother, it is all YOU.

The formula I am going to share with you cannot fail. It is a formula that works with The Law of Mind and when you align with the law the results are inevitable.

Step One: Set the Intention

You can wish to make a change, we all dream of the six pack abs or wearing the sexy dress. But, a wish is a fluffy aspiration. You must set the intention of what you want. What do you want your body to look like? Feel like? Perform like? What size? You must do this with conviction and in writing. Write out in detail what you want your body to be.

Step Two: Attune to the Energy of the Intention

The second step is you must attune yourself to the energy of the Intention you just set. So, if you set the intention of being an energetic, strong, 130 pounds, in perfect health, you MUST attune to that energy. You cannot set the intention and then tell everyone, I am so tired, I am so fat, I am so lazy, I hate this diet, I can’t stand exercise, I am my mother, etc.

Once you set the Intention you must act to manifest it to being. You do this by connecting to the energy of that 130-pound dynamo that is hot and packed with energy. It is in step two where you begin to evoke the Law of Mind

1.What you think you become. I am a hot ball of energy weighing my perfect weight of 130-pounds and I cannot wait to hit the gym.

2.What you feel you attract. Law one leads to law two. As you are lining yourself to the energy of your intention you now are feeling like that hot ball of energy. That takes you to step three.

Step Three: Be Receptive of Your Set Intention

In step three you become open to allowing the hot ball of energy to come into existence. You are no longer trying to starve your poor body or kill it in a boot camp class designed for Navy Seals. No, you are allowing yourself to enjoy your diet and exercise because you already are the hot ball of energy that feels great at your perfect weight of…fill it in. It is in this step that you need to create the I AM statements of your intention manifested.

No one ever and I mean ever made a million dollars, invented a product, received a promotion, found their true love, found God, or lost 100-pounds and became a bodybuilding champion without first setting the intention. Then acting and finally seeing in their imagination the finished product. NO One! Step three completes the Law of Mind.

3.What you imagine you become. What you hold in mind (subconscious cage) determines the actions you take (hot ball of energy cannot wait to hit the gym…no snooze button) and attracts exactly what you need to manifest the intention (perfect diet, trainer, coach, book, perfect podcast-shameless plug, The Stress Mastery Podcast). The law is always in operation so why not make it work for you instead of fighting it?

Stop trying to lose weight and step into and BE the body, health that you seek. The secret is stop trying to lose weight and start being the person you want.

The secret to losing weight is to stop trying to lose weight.

You can contact me if you have any comments or questions at my email Join me every Monday thru Friday on The Stress Mastery Podcast.



March 30th, 2017

Who is Bill Cortright? Bill is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, high-level coach, wellness specialist and a foremost expert in the field of stress and stress management. Bill’s purpose is to motivate, educate and inspire people to live their most authentic life. Host “The Stress Mastery Podcast”.



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