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The Art of Setting Intentions

Hello and welcome to Living Right with Bill Cortright Blog, I am Bill Cortright and today we are going to discuss the Art of Setting Intention.

Setting intentions is a powerful tool for helping us achieve happiness and fulfillment. Intentions provide us with insight to our values, aspirations, and purpose and allow us to live in the present moment while still aiming towards new achievements. While our goals are the desired outcome, setting an intention is the key step that allow us to manifest and realize the goal. Manifesting is not some new age process it is scientifically sound to work in accordance to how we are wired. As humans, we are wired to manifest and it begins by understanding this wiring.

When you are setting intentions, we must follow some very simple rules. These rules are governed by the Laws of the Universe. First is the Law of Mind…

1.What you think you create. Setting the intention (goal) starts the process of focus. You start to think about what you want. It’s important to be detailed don’t just say I want more money, how much money do you want? What is your number?

2.What you feel you attract. By creating a detailed description of the intention, you wish to manifest you create feeling behind it. The greatest feeling, we have as humans is one of relief. When we realize a goal, we take a big breath and relax. If you have a problem the moment it is resolved you let out a sigh, this is relief. Look over your intention and let out the sigh of relief as you would the moment the goal is realized.

3.What you imagine you become. Once you set the intention and have gotten clear on what you want then you simply create a picture of the manifested intention. Go to the end and see the money in your account.

This first step in mastering the art of setting intentions is understanding and respecting the Law of Mind. The law is in operation whether we know it or not. The law is not a respecter of persons it is simply the law. Keep this law in mind whenever you are looking to change anything in your life for it was the law that created your current life situation.

The second rule is to apply the Law of Mind to the process of setting your intentions (goals). Here is the three-step process of setting intentions.

Three Steps to Set Intentions:

1.Set the Intention with Purpose. Your current life was created by yesterday’s thoughts. These thoughts are brought in from the programs of our subconscious mind. All habits, actions, and our concept of our-self is derived from the subconscious operating system. The kicker is that these thoughts are coming from programs that you did not set. Our beliefs, values, habits, and self-concept were set by our tribe during the Tribalization process that took place the first seven years of our life.

The second kick in the pants is that these programs are designed to NEVER change. So, if you have a Lack Program, money is bad, painful, evil, you need to set the intention of having more money and link that intention to a Purpose. Why do you want more money? The reason you must have purpose is you are going to have to step outside the Comfort Zone Cage and create new actions, thoughts, pictures, that will result in a new money program. The purpose is the anchor that keeps you moving even when the outside reality is working to snap you back to your programming.

2. Acclimate to the Energy of the Intention. Once you have set the intention it is essential that you acclimate yourself to the Energy of the intention as if you have already achieved it. So, let’s say your intention is to become a millionaire. You set the intention with purpose and you are now ready for that million bucks to pour-in. The challenge is that your reality is you have 20 bucks in your account.

Again, it’s time to refer to The Law of Mind. Your reality does not create your future unless that is what you are thinking about. If you are thinking about being broke, feeling broke and seeing yourself broke, you are creating a broke future. If you acclimate to being a millionaire, you will take actions and work like a millionaire. You have a million dollars so you wouldn’t be worried about paying bills, your energy is that of a millionaire. You talk, feel, and see yourself in your mind as a millionaire. Thus, the law operates.

3.Be Receptive to the Intention Becoming Fulfilled. If you have followed these steps you have set specific goals and created an action plan, you are moving in a certain direction. But, I will tell you from personal experience that you must be open and receptive to allowing the intention to come into your life. You are working daily on your plan to become a millionaire. You are creating business according to plan but all the sudden you get this inclination to go buy a lottery ticket. You have never bought a ticket before but you have this push to just grab a quick pick ticket. You buy one ticket and that night it is announced that you are holding the ticket that is the million-dollar winner. Did you manifest that million dollars or was it just luck? YOU manifested it! Be open to opportunities that might not be exactly what you had planned in your course of action. That is why you always picture the end where the intention is done.

The laws are always at work and our job is to understand these laws and operate within them. When we stop forcing our lives and start living these laws we will create the life of our dreams. I have created or I should say manifested many different programs and businesses in my career. I have done this in countries where I cannot even understand the language. I have followed this process since I read Joseph Murphy’s “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” when I was 22-years-old. Success, peace, happiness, isn’t just for a chosen few it’s our right as human beings. We are humans having a spiritual experience.

You can contact me if you have any comments or questions at my email Join me every Monday thru Friday on The Stress Mastery Podcast.



April 21, 2017

Who is Bill Cortright? Bill is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, high-level coach, wellness specialist and a foremost expert in the field of stress and stress management. Bill’s purpose is to motivate, educate and inspire people to live their most authentic life. Host “The Stress Mastery Podcast”.



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