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The Plan of a 15 Year Old.

Hello and welcome to Living Right with Bill Cortright Blog, I am Bill Cortright and today we are going to discuss a tool I use in my coaching for Transformation.

I featured this story on episode #36 in The Stress Mastery Podcast series. I received so many emails on this episode that I have written the story in this week’s blog. This story came after having a conversation with my 15-year-old son Brett. It was a deep conversation especially for someone his age. He is coming to an end of his freshman year in high school. It’s been an incredible year of growth for Brett in every area of his life. He is growing up quickly and is now starting to wonder about his future. He asked me what he should do with his life? A deep question from such a young person but since he was trapped (we were driving in the car) I thought I would take this opportunity to lay out the Template of Transformation tool that I teach in my coaching. I have used this template my entire career.

The Template of Transformation is a system that allows us to line ourselves to the Law of Mind which permits us to work stress free toward our lives goals. I will get into that in detail but let’s go back to the conversation I had with Brett so you can see the template played out.

So, here is my conversation with Brett.

Dad: (My response to Brett’s question on what he should do with his life). What do you want to do?

Brett: I don’t know?

Dad: What do you love to do?

Brett: I love football, (a sport he is currently excelling in) and I love working out.

Dad: Why don’t you think about becoming a professional sports trainer.

Brett: They don’t make any money. I really want to make good money. Maybe I will become a Sports Doctor.

Dad: Becoming a doctor is a fine calling if you love medicine or have an urge to heal people. But, as a doctor you will never be working with the athletes or spend time in the gym.

Brett: What does a Sports Trainer make?

Dad: Around $40-45,000 a year.

Brett: NO! I want to have enough money that I can do what I want. That’s not good money.

Dad: But you will be doing what you love. Every day you will be around the sport you love, the athletes you love, and in the gym, which you love. There is more to life than making money. You can make a lot of money and hate your days because you hate your job. We spend a lot of time at work and I am telling you son you better love it if you are going to have a good life.

Brett: Dad, I will be poor.

Dad: LOL, ok what if I can show you a tool I use with my clients when they are looking to build a career in something they love to do. You game?

Brett: Yes.

Template of Transformation as explained to Brett

Dad: Son this is the complete outline for your life. You must take your life and its focus and chunk it. The first chunk will start from where you are at today.

Chunk One: 3-years age 18-years-old

You need to focus on two things school and football. Starting with school you have three-years and your focus needs to be razor sharp. Good, no great grades. The colleges are now scouting you so you must have the grades. The football has become serious as you are finding out. They already have you practicing with Varsity so now you need to watch your diet and train year-round. This is easy because you love it but you need to stay consistent in both the sport and school. The schools that will scout must have a good Sports Training program. This is your Chunk One focus.

Chunk Two: 4-years age 22-years-old

In Chunk Two you are now in college. You now have three areas of focus, school, football and role modeling. As in high school you must maintain the grades and play your best ball. But now you are studying what is to become your future career. The third part of the focus equation is the Success Principle Role Modeling. You need to do the extra work here to learn from the trainers of the school’s athletic department. You need to meet with anyone that can educate you on how to apply your craft toward the direction you want to go. That direction is to be a sports trainer on a professional football team.

Chunk Three: 5-years age 27-years-old Salary $45,000 start $150,000 finish

You have graduated. Now, it’s time to go to work. Finding employment on a team will not be a problem with our connections. Here comes the 5-year period where you will lay out the foundation of your career. This Chunk is all about setting yourself apart from the pack. It’s when you really start your schooling. Remember everyone from your graduating class has the same piece of paper stating their degree. To set yourself apart by studying advance nutrition, sports science, lab testing, performance testing, supplement formulas, sports psychology. You have a sister that is advanced in these areas and me to guide you. But, you will have to work on the fringes of your days advancing your knowledge and creating your unique program that combines it all. During the day, you do your work. Before and after the workday you focus on growth.

After two to three-years of working with the team and advancing your knowledge, you begin to branch off and start working one-on-one with some of the elite players. You are now putting together your supplements and working with medical professionals on the testing of the athletes. At the end of this 5-year period you have created your own program that combines training, nutrition, supplementation, and science. You are now an entity that is sought after for your services. It was years of sacrifice and work but it was work that you loved. Your income is now $150,000 a year.

Chunk Four: 5-years age 32-years-old Income $150,000 start $1,000,000+ finish

The next Chunk is the push that sets you up for life. You are making good money but it’s not the freedom money that you want. So, it’s time to leverage all the work you did. You write a book on your system and become an instant expert. You start manufacturing your high-end supplements getting endorsements from your clients. You sell these using internet marketing strategies. You create a certification for other trainers to work your system. You start speaking at colleges and high schools on how to naturally create increased performance. You now have five solid streams of income and most important you have income coming in while you sleep. You now are easily making a million dollars or more a year.

Brett, you can always do what you love and make money. I have done it my entire life. But, understand people will think you are this overnight success but it takes years of work and more important it takes a sound strategy and an understanding of the Law of Mind.

  • What you think about you create. You must be thinking of the picture at the end of Chunk Four.

  • What you feel you attract. Acclimate to energy of Chunk Four. Really feel that you are doing what you want. Never settle and know that your current reality means nothing, it’s what you are feeling that matters.

  • What you imagine you become. Son, dream, dream, dream, don’t let anyone disrupt the picture of your success.

Dad: Do you understand all of this?

Brett: It’s a lot but I believe I get it. So, focus on football for, now right?


Brett: laughing Yes that too.

That was my conversation with my son. We fail to teach our children the tools to succeed in life. We fail to tell them they can be what they want to be and make a living at it. We fail to teach them that we are here to make a difference and the only way that can happen is we must do what we love to do as a profession. We as a society get hung up on degrees, money, security and forget the love component. I know so many unhappy rich professionals who cannot stand their lives because they hate what they do for a living. I hope todays blog provokes some deep thinking for us parents and anyone who hates their job.

Template of Transformation Outline

  1. Know what you want? Set the Intention with a strong purpose.

  2. Acclimate to the Intention as if it’s a reality. Write out a day in your life with the intention completed manifested. Include emotion and all five life categories, Career, Finance, Health, Relationships, Personal/Spiritual Development.

  3. Allow the Intention to manifest. Be open to what comes into your life. Stay focused on the Intention completed and this means the energy and thoughts and work the actions that lie before you.

  4. Chunk the Plan. Brett was not going to be a millionaire when he graduated with his trainer’s degree. But, if he stays acclimated to the energy of his vision and works on what is in front of him he becomes a millionaire in his 30’s. To use the Chunking tool, you must know what you want and then create the action plan to get there. The secret is you are doing what you love so you enjoy the journey.

  5. Your reality is not your future. When you focus on your reality instead of your dream you get more of the reality. If Brett focuses on the fact he busted ass and is only making $45,000 a year and the athletes around him are making millions he will fail. The key is to be in the energy of the end. Your future is what you focus on today. Focus on the dream you get the dream, focus on reality you get reality.

  6. ACTION. It takes work. It takes a plan. Most important it takes knowing what you want and aligning to the Law of Mind.

You can contact me if you have any comments or questions at my email Join me every Monday thru Friday on The Stress Mastery Podcast.



May 9, 2017

Who is Bill Cortright? Bill is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, high-level coach, wellness specialist and a foremost expert in the field of stress and stress management. Bill’s purpose is to motivate, educate and inspire people to live their most authentic life. Host “The Stress Mastery Podcast”.



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